Monday 24 November 2014

Autumn renovations

We cored the big course greens with a 3/8" tine and top dressed behind.  The wee greens were needing a but more attention as they hadn't been opened up this year so we used a 1/2" tine.  This was completed in mid October the greens have now fully recovered.  We have also graded half of the green on 1,2,3,4,6 & 9.  We had planned do more but the weather has been against us being very wet. 

Course maintenance has been restricted as the course has been getting saturated with all the rainfall.  We haven't cut much as the growth has slowed down but we have still been pedestrian cutting greens.

Today was the first day in 4 weeks we have had no rain.  Generally the greens have held up well with. Just a few collars staying a tad soggy.  

We have been carrying out tree pruning and taking out any dead trees.  We have also started to core the collars on the greens with 3/4" tines.  We hope to complete these this week.

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