Saturday 29 September 2012

Wet and windy

We were hit with some horrific weather at the start of the week with strong winds and heavy rain. The course held up not to bad with only small branches coming down. The greens did get flooded quite badly, they did generally dry up but we had to keep the pins in the drier areas so this meant a couple were quite tough as we had to keep them away from old hole plugs as well. The biggest problem when the greens get wet are foot prints, on some greens we need to protect these areas when they are a little soft. All the top dressing, coring and graden work will eventually aid in firming up the surfaces after periods of wet weather and all ready the greens are a lot firmer than they where a couple of years ago. The holes are being changed for tomorrow (sunday) morning as the greens are now fully dry and firm.

I've cut and lifted the turf on the ladies tee at 10, this is so we can level it and make it a better teeing surface for ladies and juniors.

The growth on all surfaces has slowed right down as well, we will carry on with regular maintenance to keep the courses tidy for the rest of the season.

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