Wednesday 27 June 2012

Oil leak

We had a hydraulic oil leak on the 9th green at the weekend. It's roughly 12 meters in length, 6 meters of it isn't to bad so we have cored it, overseeded and dressed with sand. The other 6 meters was a bit more severe and would take a lot longer to recover, so we have replaced the turf. We don't have a turf nursery so we have had to improvise. We stripped the damaged turf at the 9th and have replaced it with a strip of turf off the back of the 17th, we used the 17th as it is the biggest green and we can bring it in a foot at the back. We then replaced the turf at the back of the 17th with a strip of turf from ladies tee at 16. This will now ensure all the greens and surrounds have grass coverage and it will just be a case of knitting together. This will keep damage down to a minimum and the 16th ladies tee is big enough that the damaged turf will not effect ladies. I've put up a series of photos they may not be in order as when I add from my phone they reorder themselves for some reason.

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