Monday 29 November 2010


The snow has hit us at Piperdam, it started on Thursday and has carried on pretty much all weekend. We have cleared all main walk ways and are clearing around lodges, roads and paths.


Most of the work by team niblick has been completed, the turf has all been cut in and the bunkers have been filled back up again. We have also turfed the new landing area at 18. All thats left is too finish the new tees on 1,11 and 12 and just small tidying up jobs.

Sunday 21 November 2010


We had a very cold start to the week and got wetter as the week carried on, Team Niblick are pretty much finished now with there major ground works and have tied in all the turfing jobs, all that remains is to finish the 12th ladies tee and put the sand back in the bunkers (weather permitting we may get them filled in this week.

We cut the greens that are in play on Friday. We have taken 4 greens out of play because golfers are walking over the turf and leaving foot prints. We are having to go behind and lift the turf, re-level the soil and re turf the areas. These areas will firm up but until they do we have to protect them.

We also verti-drained all the tees on both courses.

Turf on the 6th that a golfer walked over that we had to lift and relay.

Greens being cut on Friday.

Drainage line on the 1st after turfing.

Drainage line on the 1st during turfing.

Verti-draining the tees.

Saturday 13 November 2010

13/11/10 (construction work)

Generally the construction work is going very well. We have now shaped all bunkers, re levelled the 6th medal tee, installed drains in 1st and 6th green, part filled the ditch on 18 and filled all old bunkers. The bunkers will be finished and turf will be cut in when it becomes dry enough.

New bunkers around the 13th green.

Looking up the 14th fairway, the fairway bunkers have had extra support added to there backs.

New greenside bunkers at the 14th green.

New greenside bunker on LHS of green and bunker on RHS has been reshaped.

Reshaped bunkers at 16th greenside.

Bunkers on 17th greenside have been reshaped.

Ditch on 18 has been filled on LHS and has been opened up on RHS.

New greenside bunker on LHS of 18th green.

New RHS greenside bunkers on 18th green.


This has been a very wet month so far, we have had 117mm of rain in the last 3 weeks. Cutting on the courses has generally stopped as it has either been to wet or the growth has checked back. We fed the greens with a high iron 10 days ago which will harden the grass up coming into the winter. We also verti-drained the osprey greens down to 10 inches 4 days ago, this will allow more moisture to get away from the surface of the greens and keep them healthier.