Friday 4 December 2015

Contaminated bunkers

Weather permitting we are going to be tacking the bunkers that have quite a bit of stone through the sand.  The 2 fairway bunkers on the 2nd are quite bad for stone.  We took out the old sand, reshaped the base and lined with turf.  This will now get sprayed with total weed killer and we will leave for a period of time then we will fill with new sand.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Slitting fairways

With the continuous wet weather we have been having, the course is needing to get opened up and get some air in and get some moisture moving down through the soil.  We have started slitting the fairways this hopefully help them to dry out faster and generally help with turf health.

2nd green

We have reoccurring flooding at the front left of the 2nd green.  This generally sits wet and takes longest to drain away.  The turf can become quite weak and thin in this area due to the wet conditions.  We lifted the turf with a turf cutter.  Then put in a drainage ditch, piped, positioned a gully pot in the lowest area, gravelled up and back filled with rootzone we ran it off into the rough to a large sump.