Friday 22 May 2015


We are continuing to cut and present the golf course.  We are getting some more steady growth now, this is starting to give better definition with our cut patterns.  The greens are ticking along quite well just now, they have had a couple of light liquid applications that have had a mix and match off feed, primo, seaweed, wetting agent, iron and potassium silicate.  The greens have also been double verti cut.  We have some odd patches of winter scarring, this isn't haven't any effect on the roll of the ball and this should pull together in the next week or so as temperatures continue to rise.

The seeded area on the surrounds of the 6th fairway is starting to thicken up.  We have given this another granular feed to push it on.  We have also fed all tees, approaches and high wear areas on both courses.  

The white medal tee on 10 has taken a hammering over the last month, we have given it a heavy overseed and topdress.

We have pinpointed some landing areas on fairways that are more heavily divoted and have sand & seed
 patched them.  We have patched 2, 7, 13 & 14.  As time allows we will try and get around a few more.