Saturday 24 January 2015

Wee course open

The wee course opened today (saturday).  There are still a few patches of snow on the big course but generally the course is clear,  it was black ice that kept it closed today.  It made it very unsafe for golfers.  Hopefully we will have it open tomorrow as the forecast is to be mild.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Still closed

The course is still closed unfortunately,  with the temperatures staying low.   Looking at the forecast we have a few mild days coming up that will hopefully allow us to open up the courses sooner rather than later.

We have been getting on with tidy up jobs such as moving all the wooden crates that sat near the greenkeeping shed beside the 2nd tee.  We are striving to give a more finished product this year so it will be the small touches we will try and focus on more.

Friday 16 January 2015


Unfortunately we still quite large patches of snow covering the golf courses.   With temperatures expected to stay cold I wouldn't expect any further thawing of snow.  This means that the courses probably be shut through the weekend of there is any change I will update the blog. 

On a more positive note the greens are looking well and as you can tell by the photo of the putting green they have a nice uniform colour to them.

Tuesday 13 January 2015


We've had our first real significant snow fall of the winter.  There's currently around 3 inches of snow covering the golf courses, we will just need to monitor over the next few days and hope for a thaw.  I will keep the blog updated and the pro shop will also keep updated on there Facebook page.

Friday 9 January 2015

New Year

Belated happy new year to all!

We have been getting around the golf course keeping it as tidy as possible at this time off year.   There has been a wee touch of disease kicking about on the greens, so we have spot treated with a fungicide.  We have also plugged a few patches of disease with plugs from our turf nursery (old 6th green).  This takes away the scars straight away so there is no recovery needed in the spring.  Can I ask all golfers to please repair pitch marks as the greens are a bit softer through the winter.  This will help keep the greens looking good, smooth and stops any chance of disease moving into the weakend turf e.g the pitch mark.