Monday 30 June 2014

Course work

We gave all the greens (except 14) a top dress last week, we went on fairly light so this brushed in pretty much straight away.  We never dressed 14 as the green was drying out and the sand would have stressed it out.  My irrigation system was down and we wouldn't have been able to keep it moist.  We got it the irrigation sorted on Thursday but that was too close to weekend to dress.  We got the 14th dressed to day.  As well as top dressing we also spiked, over seeded and put out a soil improver.  This had the extra work as the greens turf is new and has not got the moisture or nutrient holding capacity it of the other greens.

We have also liquid fed the greens and added in a growth regulator, iron and wetting agent.  The new 14th green got a granular as this will not so readily wash through with rain.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Stone picking

We have had team Niblick in for a few days this week to give us a hand stone picking/raking the 6th fairway.  It's quite a mind numbing job but the guys have done really well and it's a lot cleaner of stones than before.  We still have a a few piles to pick up and we will give it an another over seed to start thickening up some of the thinner areas.

Monday 23 June 2014

Top dress

The big greens have been top dressed today.  The sand has brushed in nicely.

Monday 2 June 2014

6th fairway and seed

We've started to gradually bring down the height off the turf on the new 6th fairway,  this will take a few weeks as we don't want it to thin out too much.   We cut it at 22 mm today and it took that cut no problem.  The areas that where newly seeded 2 weeks ago have seen some growth in the last week and are now starting to get a green haze.  The areas that were seeded slightly earlier (e.g. back off the 17th green) are really starting to fill out now and give grass coverage.