Wednesday 30 April 2014

17th green

Big push on the 17th green and we've got it in play!  Bunkers have been edged and filled with sand.  Please treat all seeded areas at the back and right hand edge very carefully as they are still needing to establish.

Friday 25 April 2014

6th fairway

After a wet and long shift today that's the 2nd load of turf onto the 6th fairway.   This will give a good size landing area and once it knits and roots we will be able to utilise the main tees rather than playing a reduced hole.  When in play the area around the turfed area will be lift and drop as the fairway surrounds will be seeded out and will need longer to establish.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Prep for turf & seed

We've prepared the area on the 6th fairway that will be getting turfed this week.  We are getting two lorry loads of turf in on wed & fri.  After the stone bear had finished we went over the area and picked up any bigger stone that were left.   Then the john deere bunker rake ran over it with the seeder this helps to take out any ruts left by the stone bear. 

We have also stone buried and seeded out the external areas at the 17th greensite.

The stonebear

The stone bear has been working on the fairway at the 6th, this removing most of the stone.   We then need to give It a final preparation before turfing.  The turf is scheduled to come in this week.  The bear also has been down at the new 16th tee carry.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Progress update

The new green sites are coming together nicely we will gradually continue to bring down the height off height until we are at the desired height.  We've not turfed anymore off the smaller areas as we will wait until the weather breaks and we have some rain forecast.   The 6th fairway is also coming together the drainage has been put into the catch basins and a new path has been put in coming off the tees.  We plan to work on this fairway again over the weekend using a machine called the "bear" this will lift a majority of stones and level off.  Weather permitting we will turf the landing area next week.   All new works are still expected to open on time.  Then the only exposed soil will be seeded and grown in.

The rest off the golf course is ticking away fine all areas have been cut and the definition has burnt in very well.  The greens are also playing well and are rolling at about 9.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Progress update

We have now turfed around both new green sites.   Any areas that are further out will be seeded out.  The newly reshaped bunkers on 3,4&10 have now been filled with sand and are in play.  This also goes for the fairway bunker on the par 5 14th this is also now in play.   We are going concentrate on course presentation for the rest off the week.  We will give the greens, tees, fairways, approaches and first cut off rough a cut.   If the weather continues to be dry we will also get the roller out off its winter slumber.

Next week we will finish off turfing the old  pond  at the par 4 16th.  We have got about 1/3 turfed so far.  We will also finish off the walk on to the tees so we can get this hole open to its full length.  The weather has been a bit wet over last  weekend thus we have not touched the 6th fairway.   The weather is too remain dry so next week we will get team Niblick to drain the catch basins and then give it a final prepare for turfing.  It's still a tad on the cool side for seed, we will hang on another couple of weeks to seed out all other applicable areas.