Saturday 29 March 2014

14th green site

We got another lorry load of turf (1400m2).  We have laid this around the green at 14.  You get a good idea of how well the shape on and around the green works.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

17th green site

We had a lorry load off turf delivered today and we have laid it.  We still have a little to finish that is in close proximity to the green, this will be completed on Friday when we get our next lorry load in.  The areas that aren't in close proximity will be finished with our own turf.

The next load of turf we get in on Friday will be used around the 14th green.

6th fairway

The new 6th fairway has now been soiled up.  Once we get the green sites finished we will move onto this and get ready for turf.

Wednesday 19 March 2014


We are getting though the dozer work now.  The carry at the new 16th has had the soil reapplied.   The big job is the new 6th fairway, this has really taken shape and weather dependant hopefully will be all soiled up by the weekend.

general course work

The greens have been pedestrian cut again this week.  We have been cutting them once a week for the last few weeks.

We have also given the tees and approaches there first cut.

New greens

The new greens at 14 & 17 have had there first cut and we have top dressed them by hand.  

Saturday 15 March 2014


Bill Geddes has been in today and finished all the 360 digger work that was needing done with the tilting bucket (old pond at the old 17th, tee carry @ 18 and finishing the 5th tees. 

The bull dozer also arrived this morning and will re commence work on the 16th carry and old 8th fairway tomorrow morning.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Soiling up

The 17th green has been final soiled and is getting fine rake and prep.

We have now moved onto the new 14th green and by end of play Thursday I would hope to have this soiled up.

The old 8th fairway, work will re commence over the weekend (weather permitting) the D6 bulldozer coming in to begin soiling up.

Monday 10 March 2014

Top soil

The weather had finally improved enough to begin top soiling the new areas.  We have started on the new 17th green surround.  By the end off the day we had over half off the surround soiled up.  This is the bigger green surround out off the 2.