Friday 27 May 2011


The weather hasn't been our friend in the last few weeks, we have had torrential rain, high winds and low temperatures, lets hope this improves. The only real damage with the wind on the golf side at Piperdam was the driving range netting, the whole right hand has blown loose, we're lucky the netting became unattached or we could have had much more major damage with the supports coming down!!

The 5th fairway has been fed, the turf that was put down 2 years ago just needs a little kick start to get going as there isn't a lot of nutrient in the soil because of the major soil movement before turfing. We also fed the rough on the right hand side of the fairway as it was seeded and again just needs a little hit to thicken it up.

The newly seeded areas have started to germinate and the seed has started to grow.

10th green

5th fairway being fed

Driving range damage

Thursday 19 May 2011


All the greens have been top dressed and fertilised again, with the dry weather we have had to keep irrigating the greens to wash in the fertiliser and topdressing. We have also put new sole plates and ground the pedestrian greens mowers so we get a nice clean cut. We have dug out the valve boxes at the 4th and 5th greens on the osprey course, the moles where getting in and filling them full of soil, so they where dug out, lined with fertiliser bags and gravel put in the base.

Valve box being lined.

Irrigating the 4th green on the osprey course

The 9th green on the wee course, footprints where people have walked over the green after fertilising

New sole plate being put on sole plate carrier.

Monday 9 May 2011


All the greens over both courses have been over seeded and top dressed again. We cut, sarel rolled, over seeded, top dressed and then brushed in the dressing it took roughly a full day to carry this out. Weather wise it has been very dry with the occasional ground frost until the weekend past when we had 56mm of rain. This has been welcomed as it has softened the tees and fairways which where becoming very dry and hard. The bunkers have been flymod on both courses.

The tees have been fed on the big course and we will feed the approaches on the big course tomorrow, the wee course tees and approaches on the wee course will then be done.

We took delivery off our new zero turn last week as well this will make our cutting more efficient as the last one had a habit of breaking down! The new zero turn was supplied by Double A in cupar with the help of Gordon Rogers.

The greens being over seeded after sarel rolling with the top dresser waiting in the back ground.

New zero turn.